The Power of Strengths Awareness

April 22, 2024

Have you ever observed the unique strengths each member brings to your team?

The realization that each individual contributes distinct strengths can profoundly influence your team's dynamics and performance.

Understanding the Impact of Strengths Awareness

Recent study suggests that the awareness of team strengths has a more significant impact on performance than the actual composition of those strengths. In essence, it is not merely the strengths themselves that enhance team functionality but how well these strengths are recognized and utilized among team members.

“...strengths awareness had twice the influence on a team's performance than the composition of a team's strengths. In other words, it's not which strengths a team has but rather how well teammates know each other's strengths.”  Jim Asplund

Benefits of Recognizing Team Members' Strengths

  • Enhanced Teamwork: Effective team formation is rooted in recognizing and leveraging the strengths of each member, ensuring tasks are optimally assigned. This understanding can contribute to increased cohesion as team members appreciate one another's capabilities, creating a more unified environment. Moreover, teams that are aware of their diverse strengths tend to be more innovative and effective in problem-solving. This strategy not only boosts efficiency but also cultivates a collaborative and trustful atmosphere.
  • Elevated Customer Satisfaction: Teams that operate from a strengths-based perspective are better equipped to deliver superior customer service, leading to enhanced customer experiences. This approach not only improves service quality but also increases team satisfaction, which in turn boosts customer satisfaction. The resulting positive feedback loop creates a mutually beneficial environment for all parties involved, fostering a cycle of continuous improvement and satisfaction.
  • Improved financial performance: Teams that focus on strengths tend to  show higher levels of productivity and profitability. Additionally, strengths-based teams experience lower turnover rates and reduced absenteeism, which saves costs associated with recruitment and lost work hours. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also fosters a more stable and committed workforce, contributing to the overall financial performance of the organization.

Practical Application of Strengths

Leadership experts Jim Clifton and Jim Harter highlight that the most engaged teams utilize their strengths at least five times more than their weaknesses. This suggests a practical guideline: for every hour team members spend engaging with their weaknesses, they should spend five hours on activities that play to their strengths to maintain high engagement levels.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your team by harnessing their strengths? Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a more dynamic, satisfied, and productive team. Let's transform the workplace into a space where everyone's strengths are recognized and valued.


  1. Jim Clifton, Jim Harter; “Culture Shock” 2023
  2. Asplund, J. On the best teams, people know what makes each person unique. Gallup. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from

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