The recipe for success in a good sales organization is based on leveraging the team’s strengths in the right sales or business development process phase.
Benefits of a strength-based team development. Strengths-based development helps workgroups realize up to 29 % increase in profit.
Based on Gallup research
Benefits of a strength-based team development. Strengths-based development helps workgroups realize up to 19 % increase in sales.
Based on Gallup research
Identifying the profile of top sales people through assessments helped to recruit right talent, resulting in 18% increase in sales per employee and a total of 10M EUR new annual revenues. -European electronics retailer
Leverage the team’s strengths in the right sales or business development process phase.
What do your top performers have in common in sales tendencies and motivational factors? Match candidates to an ideal profile to find the right people to your team.
Success is not driven by the strengths the team possess but how well the team knows their own strengths. Self-knowledge increases self-confidence.